Ancient Egypt had a profound impact on the world, influencing many civilizations & cultures that followed. Ancient Egypt influence includes breakthrough in the fields of medicine, mathematics, written language, art, architecture, spirituality, astrology, connection to Atlantis and the star nations. This class will give an introduction to the colossal pyramids, imposing temples, golden treasures, enigmatic hieroglyphs, powerful pharaohs, gods & goddesses, dependence on the River Nile, and mysterious mummies. We will take two shamanic journeys to make a connection to the spirits of this magical land and megalithic structures.
Cost $100
3 hours
We are more than physical human beings. We are multi-dimensional beings growing in our understanding that everything is Energy and that we are connected to all of creation thru energy. The context for reality and consciousness is also exponentially expanding just as we began to connect with so-called inanimate objects, planets, cells, etc. The margins and borders continue to move outward. In addition, our identity, who we are, where we come from, why we are here is also transforming beyond our wildest dreams. The very nature of the Universe is holistic and holographic. In every particle of your Being, you are connected to the infinite intelligence of the Unified Field. Consciousness is evolving.
In this class, we will explore ideas from Dolores Cannon and other Quantum visionaries. We will journey to inner and outer realms and meet entities from other galaxies.
Introduction to shamanism and journeying for oneself and others. Divination journeys, illness from a shamanic perspective, power animal retrieval, and how to interpret journeys.
There are 2 levels to the Medicine for the Earth work/transmutation. It is who we become that changes the world-not what we do. Students will learn through active participation daily practices that create a change of consciousness. There will be ceremonies where we come together as a community to work together to transform pollution and transmute substances of belief patterns. Students will learn to merge with their own divinity and change heavy consciousness into light consciousness and a higher vibration (5-day workshop or spread out over three weekends).
Overview of soul loss and illness from a shamanic perspective. Discussion about how one might see, hear, or feel lost souls and how to bring these back. How to tell a healing story. Discussion of stolen souls and releasing them (5-day workshop or spread out over two weekends).
This class will support the shamanic practitioner in freeing both themselves & clients from energies that are not theirs and/or entities that may be functioning in a parasitical way. Students will add to their spirit allies/guides who will be facilitating the clearing-extraction removal process. Students will learn through the discernment process how to differentiate a variety of energies, intrusions, and entities which may be causing blockages, imbalance, illness, and being "stuck". Classic shamanic methods to neutralize and transmute "added" energies will be taught and practiced in a safe environment.
This course has been life changing for everyone who has taken it. A great need is evident in our world at this time to return to ancient practices of honoring our ancestors, assisting them to cross over if they become stuck on the earth plane, receiving blessings and clearing ancestral inter-generational burdens and trauma. We will build a foundation for this work by journeying to each ancestral line: mother's mother, mother's father, father's father, father's mother. We will build an ancestral shrine and learn how to tend it . The lines to connect with and work with our beloved good true, and beautiful ancestors is opened (one day workshop).
A shaman is a man or woman who works with spiritual healing. A shaman heals both the living and the dead. The shaman heals the dead by performing psychopomp work. The word psychopomp comes from the Greek work psychopomp meaning leader of souls. There will be instruction/journeys on depossession, dismemberment, intrusions, and preparation for transition (one weekend workshop).
COWRIE SHELL DIVINATION clarifies the meaning of the soul’s quest and sheds light on the obstacles to overcome. You will be asked to spread a pile of shells, bones, stones, and other implements on a special “divination cloth” representing the medicine wheel of the Dagara Tribe of West Africa. Following the diagnostic reading, prescriptive rituals utilizing the wisdom of the elemental ancestors will be given to assist healing and transformation.
Cleaning, Clearing, & Transmuting
Everything is energy. Each person is born with differing abilities to work with, sense, and see energy and energy fields. Nevertheless, we all can grow and expand our ability and skill set to detect, clear, and refine energy from the "spirit world", non-ordinary reality, and the unseen world. We may not be able to see the energies with our common eyesight, but we can feel the energy, sense it, transmute it, and transform it. This class will be mixture of learning information about clearing self, land, house/space, planet earth and provide hands on practice to hone one's ability to effect change in all our environments. We all can be "Energy Workers".
Windhorse Holistic Strategies
82 Charon Terrace, South Hadley, MA 01075, USA
Choose your hide and pay $75 down-payment for me by 8/1 to order your hide. Workshop is August 16 10-2pm.