Jan Lucier, Shamanic Practitioner & Elder Wisdom Keeper
Jan shares how she came to Shamanism after living in a Christian Cult for 15 years.
We discuss:
One Foot In, One Foot Out of the Spirit World with Jan Lucier, Elder Shamanic Practitioner
Jan Lucier, Shamanic Practioner, joins us this week to discuss what it means to straddle the physical world and the spirit world. We dissect the meaning of the word "Shaman", and how we as people in the modern world can employ the tools of shamanic practices to heal ourselves, our communities, and the world. We chat about how we can support a passing loved one both before and after death to ensure their soul successfully exits their physical body.
Windhorse Holistic Strategies
82 Charon Terrace, South Hadley, MA 01075, USA
Choose your hide and pay $75 down-payment for me by 8/1 to order your hide. Workshop is August 16 10-2pm.