I am on a mystical path. I am a Starseed dedicated to carrying out my soul's purpose on planet Earth. My mission is to educate, empower, and inspire others on their sacred journey.I am a retired nursing professor, holistic nurse, trauma integration specialist, shamanic teacher & practitioner. I have stepped into my role as an Elder & Medicine Woman.
Jan retired in 2020. She had been a registered nurse for over 30 years. She worked in a variety of settings: medical-surgical, detox, methadone clinics, psychiatry, case management, home care, pediatrics, community health, and as a nurse educator. Jan taught Mental Health, Population Health, Holistic Nursing, & Mindfulness at a local college.
Jan became a holistic nurse in 2005 and this ignited a passion and expansion of her nursing practice. Jan truly found her calling in the holistic nursing family. Jan is also a Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner (CCAP), graduate of Health Rhythms-a therapeutic drumming program, graduate of the Capacitar program, Reiki & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Mindfulness Meditation Instructor, Cherokee Bodywork Practitioner, & Integrative Medicine guest speaker and educator. She is dedicated to bringing the message of healing & transformation through holistic modalities to healthcare professionals and other interested individuals.
Jan was initiated into the shamanic healing arts 25 years ago, with a life changing soul retrieval by an Inuit shaman- Mika. Consequently, she was honored & blessed to be mentored by Mika. Next Jan studied with Dr Lewis Mehl-Madrona at the Coyote Institute. Dr Mehl-Madrona teaches Cherokee Bodywork and other native healing practices. In 2016, Jan completed a 2-year Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman in Scotland. She is trained to teach classes and perform individual healing sessions in Death & Dying, Core Shamanism, Shamanic Journeying, Medicine for the Earth, Extraction, Soul Retrieval, & Power Animal Retrieval.
Jan continues to study and expand her shamanic repertoire. She has added ancestral medicine, curse unraveling, compassionate depression, cosmic multidimensional star family practices, Light language, La Limpia, indigenous healing, ritual, and ceremonial practices to her core shamanic training. Jan also performs transformative Cowry Shell Divination & Drum & Rattle Making workshops. Jan has continued her shamanic and esoteric studies with Malidoma Some, Betsy Bergstrom, Toby Christensen, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Itzhak Beery, Christine Stevens, Lars Muhl, Dolores Cannon, Sheila Seppi, Dana Micucci, Evelyn Rysdyk, Daniel Foor, Christina Pratt, and others.
In April 2019, Jan went to Salt Lake City Utah and trained with Teal Swan to be one of her Completion Process Certified Practitioners. This powerful process goes to the root of trauma and helps remove the stuck energy/memories and allows the client to move on from psychic wounds. Parts work is also a modality which Jan uses to help clients understand and heal from trauma.
Jan has a special passion for other cultures and their healing and spiritual practices. She has made pilgrimages to Egypt, Peru, Scotland, and western US.
Since retiring, Jan has been blessed to focus all her time and energy deepening her experiential and practical knowledge and wisdom on mystical spiritual topics. She continues training shamanic students in her 1-year apprenticeship program, performing transformative shamanic healing sessions, hosting 2 podcasts: Journeys of the Intrepid Soul & This is Your Life: Senior Wisdom, giving Cowrie shell readings, offering holistic programming at a local senior center, making pilgrimages to ancient cultures, reading & studying esoteric topics, and enjoying her beloved dogs: Freya & Merlin.
Windhorse Holistic Strategies
82 Charon Terrace, South Hadley, MA 01075, USA
Choose your hide and pay $75 down-payment for me by 8/1 to order your hide. Workshop is August 16 10-2pm.